28 April 2008

Theme: Retinal detachment

A. Macular detachment.
B. Gronblad-Stranberg syndrome
C. Exudative retinal detachment
D. Tractional retinal detachment
E. Sickle cell disease
F. Sarcoidosis
G. Uveal effusion syndrome
H. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
I. CMV infection
J. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
K. Old retinal detachment
L. Retinopathy of prematurity
M. Norrie syndrome
N. Stickler syndrome
O. Malignant hypertension

Lead in statement: The following patients all presented with retinal detachment. Please choose the most appropriate diagnosis from the list above.


1. A 79-year-old woman with bilateral loss of vision. Fundus examination shows SRF under the maculae. FFA showed RPE rips. She gives a history of left mastectomy 4 years ago.

2. A 40-years-old man with bilateral loss of vision, headaches and nausea. He is pyrexial and complaining of tinnitus. There are +2 cells in AC bilaterally. CSF showed pleocytosis.

3. A 75-year-old man noticed loss of vision in his right-eye on coincidentally covering the other eye. He gives a history of being severely short-sighted before cataract surgeries. Fundus examination of the right-eye shows raised dome shaped macula with a central hole.


Blogger Rehman Siddiqui said...

1. C
2. H
3. A

12:37 am  

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